Custom-made accessories for clothing

The tieThe tie is the last bridge between man and fantasy. Elsa Morante (Italian novelist).
A rebel spurt of colour that illuminates and distinguishes, the tie is not an accessory, it is a time guardian. Tied to the memories of the man who wears it, it marks the story of his life: the tie of the first party, the tie of the graduation day, the tie of the wedding day… “A well-tied tie is the first serious step in life” stated Oscar Wilde: how could we argue with that?”

The bow-tie – It is not for everyone, but for those few who feel it right and make it a banner to proudly reveal their uniqueness. Either it emanates authority like the one worn by Churchill, or theatricality like that of Chaplin, or eccentricity like Daverio’s one, the rule is only one: tie it every time you wear it. And that seems not so easy if Giancarlo Maresca (“Monsieur” magazine, April 2008) recommended “The secrets of a perfect knot can only be learned through practical examples, handed over from man to man into an unmissable initiation ceremony”.

The cuff links – Alexandre Dumas, in his The Count of Monte Cristo, describes the wonder in front of these small objects worn by Baron Danglars. Small and precious, they are the only jewels – together with the watch – allowed to an elegant man. A superstition rooted in the past centuries says one should only give them as a gift and never buy them for oneself. Which of these accessories would you like to stand out with today? Or maybe you want some others? Browse our photogallery.